Monday, February 25, 2013

Capital Region Collaborative & Docket Review at Informal Session

The first Informal Session with a noticeably absent City Clerk Alvin Anderson. The City Clerk's Office staff did a fine job running the meeting.

Part 1/2 - 2013 Feb. 25 - Presentation from Capital Region Collaborative - Informal Session City Council - Richmond, VA from Silver

Presentation on the Capital Region Collaborative, a pro-business group that include 9 localities surrounding Richmond which is "a partnership between the Greater Richmond Chamber [of Commerce] and the Richmond Regional Planning District Commission." The presentation was given to members of City Council by Bob Crum, Executive Director, Richmond Regional Planning District Commission, and Wendy Burtner-Owens, Project Manager for the Capital Regional Collaborative.

Part 2/2 - 2013 Feb. 25 - Docket Review - Informal Session City Council - Richmond, VA from Silver.

Docket Review that included some contentious items.

Items discussed included:

Ord. 2012-4 pertaining to the "1% for the Arts" Program which would limit the amount to no more than $250,000 for each qualifying project. Mr. Hilbert had questions and Mrs. Robertson also had comments. Both Council persons support a monument to Maggie Walker, the famous first African-American woman banker. [7:06]

Res. 2013-R47 "To reverse the decision of the Commission of Architectural Review which denied a certificate of appropriateness for vinyl replacement windows on a home located at 2916 Monument Avenue." [17:34]

Res. 2013-R48 chickens!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Cutting GRTC Service for Disabled Riders Proposed & Monument Avenue Vinyl Windows

Part 1/ - 2013 Feb. 19 - GRTC Presentation on ADA Ridership - Land Use - Richmond City Council - Richmond, VA from Silver.

Representatives from GRTC gave a presentation on the growing expense of transporting people with disabilities and made proposals to cut service.

Part 2/ - 2013 Feb. 19 - Agenda Amendments - Land Use - Richmond City Council - Richmond, VA from Silver

City Clerk Alvin Anderson reviewed amendments and papers on the committee's agenda for the meeting.

Part 3/ - 2013 Feb. 19 - Public Comment Period - Land Use - Richmond City Council - Richmond, VA from Silver.

Public comments from Valerie West [0:31] and Lee Crowell [4:49] related to the papers pertaining to urban hens.

Deborah Corliss and Dr. Louise Einolf, co-chairs of the Patrick Henry Charter School spoke to the committee [9:25] about desiring a long term lease on Patrick Henry School and wanting to use more of the building.

Part 4/ - 2013 Feb. 19 - Papers for Review - Land Use - Richmond City Council - Richmond, VA from Silver.

Part 5/ - 2013 Feb. 19 - Res. 2013-R47 - Vinyl Windows on Monument Ave - Richmond City Council - Richmond, VA from Silver.

A half hour discussion on the merits of vinyl windows on a Monument Avenue home. The Commission of Architectural Review [C.A.R.] would prefer the recently replaced windows made of vinyl be taken out and replaced with expensive wooden windows. Special appearance from Bill Pantele, former Council President and 2nd District Council member, who was representing the individual who had replaced the windows.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Hull Street Revitalization & Stormwater Discussed at Informal Session

Part 1/3 - 2013 Feb. 11 - Draft Hull St. Revitalization Plan - Informal Session - Richmond, VA from Silver.

Meeting Start Time: 3:04 PM

Deana Rhodeside, Director of Rhodeside & Harwell, Inc. gave a 23 minute presentation on her firm's vision for improvements along the Hull Street corridor in south Richmond and Chesterfield County. The plan called for creating more green spaces, developing housing, additional landscaping, and adding more sidewalks and bicycle pathways. A key feature of the plan was the development of four themed "urban centers," including "Town & Family Entertainment Center" at Warwick Rd., "Design/Health+Wellness Center" at Chippenham Parkway at the Richmond/Chesterfield city limit, "Multi-Cultural Market Center" at Turner Road in Chesterfield, and "Live+Learn Center" at Walmsley Boulevard in Chesterfield.

Dr. Rhodeside's presentation was followed by roughly 10 minutes of questions and comments from Council members.

Part 2/3 - 2013 Feb. 11 - Presentation on Stormwater - Informal Session - Richmond, VA from Silver.

Michele Virts, Deputy Director, Dept. of Public Utilities gave a presentation on Stormwater.

Part 3/3 - 2013 Feb. 11 - Docket Review - Informal Session - Richmond, VA from Silver.

Items on the Agenda for the evening's Formal Meeting were reviewed before going into closed session to discuss the City Auditor and City Clerk.