Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Cannon Creek Greenway gets Greenlight / Carillon Advisory Committee Wants to Drop Deadbeat Members

Dec. 16, 2009 - Health, Human Services, & Education Committee from Silver Persinger.

Only one paper on the agenda for this meeting, Resolution 2009-R190 (Patrons: President Graziano, Vice-President Robertson, Mr. Hilbert, Mr. Jewell - added) -To support the Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities’ grant application to the Virginia Department of Transportation for Transportation Enhancement grant funds for the construction of a bicycle and pedestrian commuter trail, family recreation and environmental education features, landscaping, and scenic beautification of the Cannon Creek Greenway; and to express the Council’s commitment to work cooperatively with the City Administration to either identify appropriate matching funds in the current Capital Improvement Plan or to include such matching funds in the 2011-2015 Capital Improvement Plan.

There was a presentation on the Carillon Advisory Committee by Barbara Brock and veteran member Ryland Yancey Bailey. Ms. Brock explained to the committee that several members do not attend the meetings regularly and the Advisory Committee is unable to achieve a quorum to conduct business. They desire new members to be appointed. The committee is made up of 8 members. One position is vacant. Only 3 members attend meetings regularly. By deduction, the non-participating members are Richard G. Steele [appointed Feb. 26, 2007], Thomas Wagstaff [appointed Oct. 25, 2004], Shawn Freude [appointed Oct. 25, 2004], Ezra Hitzeman [appointed Nov. 8, 2004].

Ms. Brock recommended the Council recognize Larry Robinson who has played the Carillon bells for the last 50 years as of 2010.

Joyce Davis, City Council Policy Adviser, gave the standing committee staff report.

Robin Robinson, formerly a candidate in the Nov. 2009 election for the 7th District City Council seat, spoke to the committee.

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