Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My Two Cents - Armories, Council Process, and Public Information @ LAND USE

I spoke during the Citizen Comment Period to request that the City "do something" about the City-owned armories at Sixth Street and Leigh Street which continue to be neglected by the City.

I spoke again later in the meeting in reference to Resolution 2011-R19 sponsored by Bruce Tyler [1st District] which request CAO Byron Marshall "to study whether the City's zoning ordinance should be amended to change the existing zoning classifications of the properties bounded by Monument Avenue to the north, Kent Road to the east, Patterson Avenue to the south, and Malvern Avenue to the west."

I commended Mr. Tyler for following the process and objected to Mr. Conner's statement that "these things become far too formal" and that Council could simply request the Planning Dept. to meet with the Civic Association. I said that a resolution was an appropriate way for the Council to request such information. Unrelated to the paper specifically, I also objected that the FULL LANGUAGE of the resolutions and ordinances under consideration was not available for Public Review. This was only my second committee meeting after taking nearly 4 months off from attending Richmond City Council meetings. In the past, the Clerk's Office normally prepares a packet that includes the full language of the ordinances and resolutions and attachments associated with each paper which is labeled "Public Copy."

You're welcome.

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