GRTC and Transit Study Task Force - 2012 July 12 - Richmond, Virginia from Silver Persinger.
The Task Force held its regular monthly meeting at 4:00 PM on Thursday, July 12 at the Department of Economic Development's offices located on the third floor of Main Street Station.
The first order of business was the approval of minutes from two previous meetings. Scott Burger asked that the minutes be amended to reflect him asking about additional members for the Task Force. The amendment was adopted and the minutes were approved. [0:23]
The largest part of the meeting was a presentation from Stephen McNally, GRTC Project Administrator about the process for the site selection for a Transfer Center located in the downtown area located between 14th, Belvidere, Leigh, and Canal. [1:50]
[41:28] Montigue Magruder from the User Services Subcommittee gave a report of their last meeting.
[52:16] Jack Berry [Richmond Convention & Visitors Center] talked about the recent event Paralyzed Veterans Wheelchair Games, then discussed a June 26 meeting with Bob Crum from the Richmond Regional Planning District Commission.
[56:00] Miscellaneous Discussion
How many members are on the task force??