Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Boring Meeting Devolves into Unending Discussion of Truancy

Part 1/4 - 2013 April 17 - Public Comment Period - Education & Human Services - Richmond, VA from Silver.

Meeting time: 5:14 PM - 6:51 PM

Public Comments from:

[0:42]  Ulysses Brown
[3:52]  Silver Persinger
[9:13]  Kelly King Horne, Executive Director, Homeward

Part 2/4 - 2013 April 17 - Public Schools Update from Jeffrey Bourne - Education & Human Services - Richmond, VA from Silver.

Richmond School Board Chairman, Jeffrey Bourne gave a presentation to City Council's Education & Human Services Committee and answered questions from Council members.

Part 3/4 - 2013 April 17 - Approval of Minutes/ Board Vacancies - Education & Human Services - Richmond, VA from Silver.

 [0:18] Minutes from the previous month's committee meeting were approved [3-0].  Mr. Hilbert thanked the clerk's office for the effort to summarize the discussion in the minutes.

Board Vacancies:

[1:55]  Richmond Behavioral Health Authority [RBHA] - 3 vacancies, 3 Applicants -- 2 were recommended via letter by RBHA, Denise P. Dickerson and Byron Marshall.
[5:28]  Advisory Board of Recreation and Parks - 1 vacancy, District 2 / 1 Applicant, Leighton Powell
[7:00]  Social Service Advisory Board - 3 vacancies, No Applicants
[7:06]  Career & Technical Education Commission - 4 vacancies, No applicants (2 are Mayoral)
[8:41]  Carillon Advisory Committee - 6 vacancies, No Applicants

Capital Area Partnership Uplifting People [CAPUP] - 5 vacancies, 5 applicants
This was the most interesting discussion because three of the reappointments had already served an additional 3 years since their terms expired.  The term of appointment is 3 years, and there is a term limit of two terms. [8:48 - 26:33]

[26:33]  Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens - 2 vacancies, No applicants
[28:20]  Senior Connections [Capital Area Agency on Aging, Inc.] - 1 vacancy, No Applicants

Part 4/4 - 2013 April 17 - Staff Report / Truancy Discussion - Education & Human Services - Richmond, VA from Silver.

"Brief Summary" of Staff Report by Joyce Davis that turned into a long-winded discussion about truancy.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Under 15 Minute Meeting for Land Use Committee

2013 April 16 - Land Use Committee - Entire Meeting - Richmond City Council - Richmond, Virginia from Silver.

Meeting time: 3:04 PM - 3:18 PM.

 Members present: Jon Baliles, Chair [1st District], Committee members Kathy Graziano [4th District] and Michelle Mosby [9th District].

A very short meeting. No public comment. Hardly any discussion of the three papers considered.  Item number 4, Ord. 2013-79, received the most attention, with introduction and comments from Juanita Buster.

Meeting agenda, available here.

Agenda amendments:

1. Ord. No. 2012-4 (Patrons: Mr. Tyler and President Graziano)- To amend Ord. No. 97-3-41, adopted Jan. 27, 1997, which adopted a process to be followed to ensure funding for the “1% for Art” program to be administered by the Public Art Commission and adopted the City of Richmond Public Art Commission Review and Acceptance Policy for Gifts of Works of Art, for the purpose of providing that the amount to be set aside for public art shall not exceed $250,000 for each qualifying project.

3. Ord. No. 2013-41 (Patron: Mr. Hilbert) - To amend and reordain City Code § 26-650, concerning the Urban Forestry Commission, for the purpose of amending the responsibilities and duties of the Commission to include a requirement that the Commission provide advice and recommendations to the City Planning Commission on matters related to trees affected or that may potentially be affected by the construction of any street, square, park or other public way, ground, open space, public building or structure.


 [2:15] 2. Ord. No. 2013-22 (Patron: Vice President Robertson)- To amend City Code § 42-41, concerning the disposition of funds from the sale of real estate and certain insurance proceeds, and to amend ch. 42, art. II of the City Code, concerning trust funds of the City, to add therein a new section 42-44, concerning the disposition of revenues arising from the lease or other use of former school properties, for the purpose of providing that revenues from the sale, lease or other use of former school properties be set aside for the construction of new public school facilities or for the operations of the School Board oftheCity of Richmond. [4:00]

4. Ord. No. 2013-79 (Patron: Mayor Jones) - To authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to accept funds in the amount of $723,226 from the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development and to appropriate the increase to the Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Special Fund Budget by increasing estimated revenues and the amount appropriated to the Department of Economic and Community Development by $723,226 for the purpose of the acquisition, rehabilitation and sale of foreclosed properties through the Neighborhood Stabilization Program. [9:06]

5. Res. No. 2013-R106 (Patron: Mr. Hilbert) - To declare a public necessity to amend the zoning ordinance and to initiate an amendment to the City’s zoning ordinance to make such changes as may be necessary to rezone real properties located within an area around Brookland Park Boulevard generally bounded by West Crawford Street and East Crawford Avenue to the north, Richmond-Henrico Turnpike to the east, East Hooper Street and West Hooper Street to the south, and Edgewood Avenue to the west and to request that the Chief Administrative Officer cause to be conducted a study of all real properties within such area to determine (i) if the zoning classifications for such properties are consistent with objectives to revitalize such area and (ii) the best land usage of the real properties in such area.


Monday, April 1, 2013

Organization Development Convenes to Quickly Consider Appointments to Boards

2013 April 1 - Organizational Development - Board Vacancies - Richmond City Council - Richmond, Virginia from Silver.

A short 15 minute Organization Development Committee meeting that came at the end of a long day of Budget Review running from 12:15 PM until 5:50 PM and a contentious Special Meeting related to a lease for Theater Row for Departments formerly located at 3600 Building.

This meeting was concerned exclusively with reviewing candidates for appointment to various Boards and Commissions.

Who Needs City Council? Administration Does What It Wants

2013 April 1 - Special Meeting of Richmond City Council - Ord. 2013-77 - Richmond, Virginia from Silver.

Meeting started at 5:54 PM. All Council Members were present except Reva Trammell [8th District].

Council spent the entire special meeting discussing Ord. 2013-77-45. City Council approval is required for all leases. As it turns out, the administration vacated a couple of city departments from the 3600 Center on W. Broad Street over the weekend and moved them into the Theater Row Building at 8th & Broad which is owned and managed by the Richmond Redevelopment & Housing Authority [RRHA] without a lease or even consulting City Council.

Fragment of Budget Review Meeting

2013 April 1 - Budget Review Work Session - Richmond City Council - Richmond, Virginia from Silver.

I arrived shortly before 5 PM, to attend the Special Meeting that had been called in order for Council to consider the lease agreement for Theater Row [Ord. 2013-77]. However, Council was still in the midst of presentations from various departments related to budget requests and needs of departments. This series of presentations had been going on since 12:15 PM, I believe, and this is only the last 50 minutes.

In this segment, we heard from Clay Dishon, Community Services Manager, and Cheryl Clarke, Operations Manager, from Richmond Public Libraries [1:04], Dr. Donald Stern, Director of Public Health, from the Health Department [18:57], and Rufus Fleming, Deputy Director II, and Rhonda Gilmer, Deputy Director I, from Department of Justice Services [23:15].